Friday, October 19, 2012
Nerd Herd, Minus Two
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
All Domesticated, and Stuff....
Since then though, a lot has changed. All because I have the best man in the world! I am finally content with my situation. Early on, after my job situation changed, Tim told me not to worry at all. That we would be okay no matter the status of my employment.
Honestly, nothing makes me more happy than making sure my family is taken care of. Every day, I bring Gavyn down to Andover for school, and then trek back up to East Bethel to drop Kenzie off. During the hours (at least until November 1st) that they're at school, I go home and clean like a mad woman. Once afternoon rolls around, I backtrack back down to get Gavyn from school, and come home and cook dinner, while we wait for Kenzie and Tim to get home. Most days, we're on a tight schedule to get to practice(s) and/or games before I get to relax for an hour prior to passing out every night.
It's amazing how much can change your outlook on subjects (such as being a "housewife"). Before I met Tim, I never knew there was a man out there that would make me as happy as I am, and honestly, I never knew that it was possible to be this happy. He has made me love taking care of him (and of course, our kids). I enjoy every minute of our life together, and look forward to whatever life throws at us!
Monday, October 15, 2012
Who'd of Thunk....
On a side note, Tim was talking to Kenzie this past weekend about what sport(s) she wanted to play next summer. She did participate in the St Francis (REC) softball league this summer, but it was the worst sports season that I've witnessed. The teams were ranging in age from 6 to 9, and they didn't even teach them the rules of the game (pitch coach until you hit, no outs, and every batter batted every inning with the last batter automatically getting a 'home run'). He asked her if she wanted to play Fast-pitch Softball, or little league baseball... She JUMPED on the opportunity to play little league! So as soon as football season is done (three more games left), Tim, Kenzie and Gavyn will start getting ready for the upcoming baseball season! I think the fact that she chose baseball makes the boys very proud!
Needless to say, I'm SOOOOOOOO unbelievably excited to watch Kenzie learn and grow with the sport, and watch another (hopefully GOOD) season of baseball!!!!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Our Spook-tacular Friday Evening
We decided to go to "Nightmare Hallow-Scream Park" which has haunted hayrides, a haunted house, and a clown maze!!!
The first thing we did was the haunted hayride. Sophia (my best friend Shannon's daughter) got the bright idea that we should sit in the very back of the hayride... At first, Kenzie was completely freaked out, but about halfway through the ride, she was laughing at the characters when they tried to scare us. At this time, the girls switched perceptions - Sophia was now the one that was getting freaked out, and Kenzie was having the time of her life.
When we were standing in line to get into the haunted house, Tim was psyching Sophia out, and got her so scared, that when she went into the main building to go to the bathroom, she didn't come back! I am SO not the scary movie/haunted house sort, and during the haunted house, there were several times where Shannon and I grabbed each other and ran for it.... After you got done with the haunted house, you had the choice, either exit the building, or go through the Clown Maze.... OMG, I will NEVER AGAIN do something like that - I'm so freaked out by clowns, yet Tim got us all to go through it... At the very end of it, Shannon and I took off as fast as we could muster, and at some point, Tim said something to the effect of "I will NEVER see you guys run that fast again..."
After that, Kenzie just HAD to have pictures with all the "bad guys" because she was loving it so much - all in all, it was the best Friday evening we've had in a LONG TIME

Wednesday, October 10, 2012
What Every Mother Needs At Some Point
OH, so Excited!!!!
Oh my goodness! I cannot contain my excitement any longer!!!
My family and I will be moving out of St Francis, and back into Andover! While we've all enjoyed living out in B.F.E (Bum F*$k Egypt), I think I speak for all of us, that the drive to do absolutely ANYTHING is driving us insane! Not to mention the fact that the two kids that live with us full time are attending schools in different school districts which means LOTS O DRIVING for this mom (aka Amy's Taxi Service).
In 22 days (yes, the countdown has officially taken over my daily life), I get to begin turning a house into OUR home! It may not be the ideal housing situation, but the house has so much potential, and it will be US in no time!
I've already picked out colors for EVERY wall in the house, and now that I'm an official "housewife", I will have all day, every day, to pour my heart and soul into this project.
I can't wait to show y'all the "before & afters" that all of my blood, sweat, and tears will soon be poured into!!!!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
What Can of Worms Did I Open?!?!?!.......
Never have I had the space (or the want) to host a family holiday until the past few months.
My outlook on everything has completely changed in the past year, and now that we DO have the space, I jumped on the first chance I got. The thing is, now that it's days away, I'm kind of wondering what the heck I signed us up for!!!!!
I did the math, and what's usually 10-15 people has turned into THIRTY!!!!! Seriously, I'm kind of freaking out here…. I know that everything is going to go smoothly, and it'll be a blast, but at the same time, 30 people to cook for (appetizers, entrees, and deserts) and host is outside my comfort zone a little, not to mention the clean up afterwards!!
I had all these ideas of what to do for the kids (Easter egg hunts, Easter baskets, games), and the foods to make, but now that it's in 4 days, and I haven't even started the shopping, my mind is in fifty-million different places, and I have no clue where to even begin!
Let the planning and shopping (not to mention cleaning) begin in T minus 7 hours I guess…. I hope Tim's ready to tackle this one with me!
On the bright side, check out the awesome decorations Kenzie and I made this weekend!

Monday, April 2, 2012
Lucky, LUCKY Lady....
- I'm in love with my best friend, who totally gets me and all my little quirks. Even when I TRY be a pain in the butt, sad, mad, or whatever emotion, he has this way of bringing me back to my happy place, which is wherever he and the kids are.
- I have four of the best children EVER in my life. Three may not be "mine" but I still love them as if they were! It's great to see them grow over time, and I'm so excited to see what they'll all do with their lives.
- My family is absolutely amazing, and supporting of me. Throughout everything life has thrown my way, they've always been there to help me through it, and I know that they always will be.
- I have an absolutely FABULOUS group of special ladies I'm lucky to call my friends. Even though we may not talk every day, or see each other as much as we'd all like, I know that I can always count on them (and I hope they know that I'll always do whatever I can to be there for them as well).
- For five years now (as of yesterday), I have had an awesome job, in which I love not only what I do, but the people around me. I've grown up a lot while I've been there (starting as a 22 year old coming into my first "grown up" job, to establishing myself in my career) and am excited to KEEP growing for as long as I can.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Oh, the time has come. . .

Monday, March 26, 2012
Nerd Herd + Three = Entertaining Evening
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
JJ ~ Dog, or Toddler.......
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
A Year Already!??!

I just realized that in less than a month, we will have been together for a year already! This year has been by far, the best year of my life. It's so hard to believe that it's only (and already) been a year with the best man I could have ever dreamed of finding. Sometimes, it honestly feels like I have known him forever, yet when you stop and look at things, we've barely begun to scratch the surface with each other. I don't know and don't care if that is a good or bad thing, all I know is that I'm going to do everything in my power to keep it that way.
When I met Tim yes, I appreciated what I had in life, but now I see things totally different, and I have a completely altered view on every little thing in my life. Instead of going out with the girls when I had a night here and there to go drink, I would much rather stay home with Tim and do absolutely nothing. Yeah, I tell myself "we need to go OUT" but then when we actually do go out to the bar or something, I realize how over-rated it is, and how I'd much rather be at home. Before I met him, yes I would cook, but I didn't "enjoy" it like I do now, or strive to do better with every meal I cook like I have since we met. I could go on and on with the things that have cliqued in me within the past year, but who wants to read all that mumbling!?!
I never thought that I would be able to find someone that didn't drive me nuts, but oh my goodness, am I glad that I got lucky, and found him. We don't have a ton in common, but we offset each other perfectly in my eyes, which I think is even better.
Every day, I look forward to what is going to come my way, and I'm super excited to grow with him and our family over the upcoming years! I’m not ashamed to let anyone and everyone who will listen how truly happy I am. Even if I'm just talking to myself, I love saying it, because FINALLY, it's true :)
Until next time…..
Monday, March 19, 2012
Our New Addition!

Thursday, March 15, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
New 'do, New You?!

So yesterday, while sitting at the office, I realized how much my hair was driving me bonkers! I started looking for new cute styles, and decided to revert back to the trusty bob! I called the salon and set up an appointment for that evening, because I know me, and know that if I didn't go in yesterday, I would definitely chicken out, and keep "trying" to grow it out more.
Even though I had to use a stylist that I haven't used before (since mine was completely booked for the week), I still toughed it out. I almost cried when I saw all the hair on the ground afterward, and it may take a while to grow on me, but I'm hoping that I'll love it as much as everyone else seems to!
Food, Food, and MORE FOOOD!!!!
Lately, I've been on the prowl for new, fun recipes to cook, and have found one that the ENTIRE herd loved. When you're family consists of four kids, and two adults, it is RARE (at least this far, for me), that EVERYONE loves what you cook, so this is a MUST SHARE!
I've made Calzones twice now, altering the recipe with ingredients that have been a hit in my homemade pizza rolls, and both times, the entire family tells me how gooooooood they are!!!!!
The other night, when I was making dinner, one of the kids came up to me and told me he wanted the "inside out pizza" and how much he likes them. This is one of the best feelings EvEr!
Saturday, March 10, 2012
You Make Me Want to...........
Never have I met someone that I get along with, and agree on 90% of things with. And then, I met Tim. From day one, things have been effortless, bettween us. When it became clear to me that this relationship was more than anything I'd ever been a part of before, it made me want to be a better person, all around.
Don't get me wrong, before meeting him, I would cook and clean (not to mention all my other mommy duties), but nowhere near to the extent that I do now, and I did NOT enjoy it most of the time. I just thought of it as something that wouldn't get done if I didn't do it myself. NOW, however, I am in my happy place when I'm cooking, baking, or cleaning the house!!!! I absolutely love doing these things for my family, and I know how much it's appreciated (most of the time).
There are times, however, that I'll admit that I feel the opposite. Like when a kid comes up to me, and tells me I'm like a house-maid because I'm always cleaning something. I don't want them to see me like this at all, but I also don't want them to live in a messy house!!!!! I get over those moments VERY fast! It's so hard to stay mad when I know how much GOOOOOD I have in my life, and a man who goes out of his way when he notices me getting "pissy" to either make me feel dumb for over-reacting, or makes me pretty much fall to the floor laughing so hard at something stupid!
Until next time.......
Friday, March 9, 2012
Our first "Date"
The night we met, he had told me that he wanted to show me what a real first date should be!! Sure enough, a couple weeks after we met, he took me on my favorite "first" date that I had (or hopefully will) ever been on.
His venue of choice was an awesome place in Uptown called Chino Latinos. If you've never been there, I would highly recommend it. It's street food from all over, and absolutely DELICIOUS! The atmosphere at Chinos makes it very hard to have awkward silence, and is very inviting!
A side plus, who isn't absolutely stoked to buy a cute new dress (and have a reason to actually wear it)!?!
I've already said it once, but ever since day one, things between us have been absolutely effortless, and being with him feels so right all the way down to my toes. Throughout the evening, there was never odd silence, it was quite the opposite in fact. We talked in depth about our children, jobs, hobbies, and much much more!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Oh, the changes......
One of my girlfriends had roped me into going on a date with someone we met at a bar, and let me just say, it was the WORST first date, EVER, but the one of the best days of my life!
To start with, this guy brought me to a hole-in-the-wall dive bar at three o'clock on a Saturday afternoon (well, I drove myself, and he rode his bicycle there...) to play bar bingo and eat some food. Over numerous cocktails, he proceeded to tell me how he was banned from the bar by his house for life, and couldn't remember what he did to provoke that. Not the kind of thing that you want to hear on a first date, especially when you're a single mom (just ScReAmS bad role-model, if you ask me)...
By this point, I decided I was going to milk the date, and get myself a good (FREE) buzz on! Later that night, I saw someone walk in, and was instantly attracted! Turned out this man that just walked into my life went to high school with the guy I was on a "date" with.
He sat with us and started chatting, and we sort of cliqued right away! Shortly after we started chatting, I ran out of cigarettes (I know, you don't need to say anything), and I asked this mystery man if he could drive me to the gas station since I was in no shape to drive there myself. We exchanged numbers, and went back to the bar.
When we got back, his buddy had arrived, so I went back to the "date" but we kept texting each other. When it was closing time, they both ended up coming back to my apartment, and had another drink with me :-) I've been head over heals in love with this man since I first laid eyes on him that night....
I know it's not all roses and champagne, but I have never been this happy in my life, and I look forward to every minute and every day that I have with him and our crazy little family.
In the coming posts, I hope to convey a lot of different things:
- Different reasons I love him
- Watching my awesome daughter adapt to not being an only child anymore (one of four now!)
- Me being something I never thought I would be (DOMESTICATED) and all that goes with that!
- Everything else I love about our family and the crazy things we do/say/think
Until next time <3 <3 <3