Wednesday, October 10, 2012

What Every Mother Needs At Some Point

It has been dawning on me more and more every day. Plain and simple, Mackenzie is NOT a baby anymore.  I like to pretend that she's still a little tiny 'peanut', but she really isn't anymore...

After attending her fall THIRD GRADE conferences last night, it completely hit me what I have on my hands now.  My beautiful baby girl has blossomed into a very smart and well rounded adolescent.

Her teacher confirmed things that I already knew about Mackenzie, but it is always a great thing for a mother to hear, and was exactly what I needed when I needed it the most.  She told me that Kenzie is above most of her peers in her reading level, and is doing "Excellent" in every aspect of class work.  If/when she is done with her work ahead of others, she will take out a book or extra work and complete it quietly while waiting for everyone else to finish.  She stated that Kenzie is the child in her class that will take anyone and everyone under her wings, and either help them acclimate to a new school, befriend them, or show them how to do things in class.

Hearing such positive things from people who do not know me or my family very well proves to me that I am doing a good job at something.  I have raised such a loving, smart, outgoing and sensitive child, and am so proud to be her mom!

Okay, enough cheesy emotions from this lady for one night!

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