In June, I unexpectedly lost my job. At the time, I thought it was the end of the world, as I have never not had a job, and was so close to driving myself (and everyone around me) absolutely insane.
Since then though, a lot has changed. All because I have the best man in the world! I am finally content with my situation. Early on, after my job situation changed, Tim told me not to worry at all. That we would be okay no matter the status of my employment.
Honestly, nothing makes me more happy than making sure my family is taken care of. Every day, I bring Gavyn down to Andover for school, and then trek back up to East Bethel to drop Kenzie off. During the hours (at least until November 1st) that they're at school, I go home and clean like a mad woman. Once afternoon rolls around, I backtrack back down to get Gavyn from school, and come home and cook dinner, while we wait for Kenzie and Tim to get home. Most days, we're on a tight schedule to get to practice(s) and/or games before I get to relax for an hour prior to passing out every night.
It's amazing how much can change your outlook on subjects (such as being a "housewife"). Before I met Tim, I never knew there was a man out there that would make me as happy as I am, and honestly, I never knew that it was possible to be this happy. He has made me love taking care of him (and of course, our kids). I enjoy every minute of our life together, and look forward to whatever life throws at us!
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