Saturday, March 10, 2012

You Make Me Want to...........

To be frank, in the past, I have generally been the type of person that gets sick of people super fast, or just nitpicks to find something about them that completely turns me off, and then I run away and never look back. I was totally prepared for this to happen between Tim and I, but decided that this time, I was going to take things one day at a time, and enjoy each and every moment when it was happening.

Never have I met someone that I get along with, and agree on 90% of things with. And then, I met Tim. From day one, things have been effortless, bettween us. When it became clear to me that this relationship was more than anything I'd ever been a part of before, it made me want to be a better person, all around.

Don't get me wrong, before meeting him, I would cook and clean (not to mention all my other mommy duties), but nowhere near to the extent that I do now, and I did NOT enjoy it most of the time. I just thought of it as something that wouldn't get done if I didn't do it myself. NOW, however, I am in my happy place when I'm cooking, baking, or cleaning the house!!!! I absolutely love doing these things for my family, and I know how much it's appreciated (most of the time).

There are times, however, that I'll admit that I feel the opposite. Like when a kid comes up to me, and tells me I'm like a house-maid because I'm always cleaning something. I don't want them to see me like this at all, but I also don't want them to live in a messy house!!!!! I get over those moments VERY fast! It's so hard to stay mad when I know how much GOOOOOD I have in my life, and a man who goes out of his way when he notices me getting "pissy" to either make me feel dumb for over-reacting, or makes me pretty much fall to the floor laughing so hard at something stupid!

Until next time.......

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