Monday, April 2, 2012

Lucky, LUCKY Lady....

.....Why YES, I am!

Not a minute goes by that I am not aware of how truly lucky I am! I can go on for hours here, but here's a few reasons:
  1. I'm in love with my best friend, who totally gets me and all my little quirks. Even when I TRY be a pain in the butt, sad, mad, or whatever emotion, he has this way of bringing me back to my happy place, which is wherever he and the kids are.
  2. I have four of the best children EVER in my life. Three may not be "mine" but I still love them as if they were! It's great to see them grow over time, and I'm so excited to see what they'll all do with their lives.
  3. My family is absolutely amazing, and supporting of me. Throughout everything life has thrown my way, they've always been there to help me through it, and I know that they always will be.
  4. I have an absolutely FABULOUS group of special ladies I'm lucky to call my friends. Even though we may not talk every day, or see each other as much as we'd all like, I know that I can always count on them (and I hope they know that I'll always do whatever I can to be there for them as well).
  5. For five years now (as of yesterday), I have had an awesome job, in which I love not only what I do, but the people around me. I've grown up a lot while I've been there (starting as a 22 year old coming into my first "grown up" job, to establishing myself in my career) and am excited to KEEP growing for as long as I can.
I've reached a point in my life where things are finally going in a positive route, and I look forward to what each day brings my way. Yes, there are times when I don't feel this positive about things, but when I step away for a minute or two, and look at everything I have in my life, it becomes crystal clear that I am EXACTLY where I want to be, and wouldn't change it for anything in the world.


  1. We are so proud to see you so happy and in charge of your life and we love, love, love what Tim has done and continues to do for you...and Mackenzie! Love you sissy!
